Sunday, 27 November 2011

A Weekend Not Wasted

I'm so proud of myself. I finished a jigsaw in 3 days and the box says 5 - 8 years. Yay me! I can go to bed, happy, now. 

Well, this weekend was supposed to be spent studying.  It has not exactly gone to plan.  But I have spent it in the company of intelligent, funny people.  That's far preferable to the plan.
However, I have finally been getting professional supervision for my degree placement.  It's rather enlightening but a bit scary to realise how I approach situations and the judgements I make.

I am now living by that old idiom:

Never judge a book by its cover... 
Use the text on the back; it tells you what the book is about.

Music-y Goodness

This weekend, I have mostly been listening to:


Monday, 14 November 2011

It's all about me....

Well, you've either been following my blog for some time or you've got here by accident after googling Pink Fluffy Cat Film.  Actually, if the latter is true, you should move on, there's nothing for you here.

So you'll be wanting to know more about me....

Sadly, despite the promises in my last post, I have not invented anything exciting... but I have made a few awesome sandwiches in my time... I'll make you one next time you visit.

So... a fact about me....

I like yoghurt coated peanuts and stripes.  These are mutually exclusive likes.  But if you ever find any striped youghurt coated peanuts, I'll give them a go.

Well, one fact is probably enough for today.  I'll share another one soon.  It won't be long before you know all there is to know.  Except that thing about the bicycle pump and the superglue. 

Monday, 31 October 2011

So much spare time...

I've been pondering what I should be doing with my spare time.  

I've given up on the cat plan.  Pets are a bad idea - even houseplants die just to spite me.

So, what should I do?  Perhaps it's time to invent something or take over the world.

Given the options, I think I'd go for inventing something. Taking over the world SOUNDS fun and all, but it's so big it would take AGES.  I have a very short attention span.

So, ideas for inventions?  


Damn.  This is harder than I expected.

Balls to it. I'm taking over the garden.

That Upland Sandpiper in full

Here's a better video of it :)

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Time on my hands

So, I'm back home from a week on Scilly.  That was nice.  HOW cute is Upland Sandpiper?  ( (not my video, btw).  Possibly my third favourite scilly bird.  I'm sure you don't want to be bored with a list of birds I've seen, so I'll move on!

It's an awesome place to relax - I had a great time with the other half, and his mate is possibly the only person to ever make me laugh so much at a weather forecast.  Anyway, I've come back chilled and chipper.

I've not really been up to much else, just trying to decide what I'll do with my time when my current job ends.  Maybe time to find a new voluntary position and get some new skills.   Not that I have none - I'm not completely  useless.  For example, I make a great bad example.  Maybe I can build on that.

Then again, maybe I'll just get a cat and film it until I've got somethng funny to post on youtube.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Slush Puppy's thought of the day 9th october 2011

What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it's all about?

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Head spin

When did life get so busy? I'm so confused I don't know if I've lost my horse or found some rope.

I won't talk about work.  I'll annoy myself and bore you. Neither of us wants that.

Probably the highlight of the last month was seeing the Black and White Warbler on Scilly.  It's a warbler. It's black and white. But moreover, I've been waiting about seven years to see one. And I did. Which was nice.

ANYway, I've been thinking about people.  You know, those other two legged things that wander around and get in our way.  Strikes me some of them need to get over their hang ups.

I get particularly annoyed at those who get all uppity about swearing.  Ok, yeah, there are nicer ways of saying it, but seriously "Gosh, I don't like you. You're really not a very nice person" just does not convey the message I am trying to put across.

So I was reading Take a Break, a little while ago (I didn't buy it, I found it on the train. Honest).  There was a woman who called her daughter Chimera.  Seriously? How much effort does it really take to find out what a word means before you inflict it on your child?   

So I read a few more issues. 

I have calculated that the average TaB reader has three girls called Lillet, Chlamydia and Sushi.

You may be forgiven for thinking that I don't like people very much.  But it's not all people.  It's other people.  You, I like. I reserve judgement on me.

Monday, 26 September 2011

This has got to stop

Over tired, alcohol-induced ebaying.

Is it OK to put "pink fluffy" into the ebay search box and start buying things?

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Why stress?

So it turns out that worrying works.  90% of the things that I worry about never happen.  So I highly recommend giving it a go!

And use the phrase "it turns out" more, too.  It requires less explanation than "I read in [insert name of newspaper/medical journal/etc]) and is more believable than "This guy down the pub told me...."

Back to worrying, though.... Why check the wardrobe for monsters?  What are you actually going to do if you find one?  Besides, everyone KNOWS that the best night time defence against monsters, axe murderers and ghosts is the common duvet.

Sweet dreams :)

Saturday, 9 July 2011

A few less sleepless nights...

So life has been fairly stressy, but things are windng down, now, so perhaps I'll be able to give my blog a bit more attention.

The downside is that my job, also, is winding down. But it's not ALL bad. There are always things that I won't miss. Like the assumptions and judgments of others.

If only these people could take a step back for a moment and realise that, If you could see the world through the eyes of another person for even a few brief moments, then chances are you have superpowers.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Work is seriously getting in the way of my weekends...

The inspiration for blogs has not been very forthcoming of late. Work is hard but my colleagues are super awesome. For this I am thankful, they make the work fun after the sleepless nights and, for the most part, they know what they’re talking about…

See, I may suffer fools gladly; but not the attention seeking simpletons. They can fuck off.

As we have previously established, it’s not a great idea to bank on honesty being the best policy for the most part. The thing about telling your boss how you honestly feel about them is that the truth will set you free.

I therefore have a new policy. If at first you try and don't succeed; cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.

My thought for the day…

You cannot solve all your problems with chocolate. For this one, we’re going to need duct tape.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

When does the freezer get a light?

It seems so unfair that the fridge gets a light but the freezer doesn't. After all, the freezer works harder.... AND in the dark.

It's that time of year, for me, when life starts to get expensive. My car insurance has almost expired and , I'm sorry, Mum, but it turns out that honesty is not the best policy. I have, therefore, opted for Churchill, instead.

Right. I must dash. I need to begin the search for a new arch nemesis. The old one is being far too nice. Oh, don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him, as he's bound to be up to some evil scheme, but the waiting is do very very dull. So if you know anyone who may be suitable, do let me know. Oh, if they could look good in a cape, that would be great.

thanks :)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

21 Hours from Little Shearwater to Savi's

It appears I haven't posted a blog for some time. There's no excuse Well, there is an excuse, but it's feeble: I've been busy! Work, study, study, work. I think I slept at some point, too.

But this weekend has been super awesome. Today was my last day of a long weekend on Lundy. I was on the cliffs at 2am, listening to the Manx Shearwaters and their mournful cries... oh and a Little Shearwater, too, which was nice.
The rest of the day was comparatively uneventful, although holding the swallow and wheatear after they'd been ringed was kinda great.

But it was time to go home. It was a long day and the travel rounded that off nicely. Wiped? Oh yes. So imagine my delight that there's a savi's at Slapton - it'll only put a couple of hours on the journey and we probably won't see it because it'll be too dark.

But by the skin of our teeth... there it was, spotted nicely hanging around in the reeds, head thrown back, chattering to its heart's delight. But it was more sensible than us and bedtime prevailed, so I felt it prudent to do the same, before I collapsed.

But yeah, fun.

Sorry about that - must be funnier!