Saturday, 30 April 2011

When does the freezer get a light?

It seems so unfair that the fridge gets a light but the freezer doesn't. After all, the freezer works harder.... AND in the dark.

It's that time of year, for me, when life starts to get expensive. My car insurance has almost expired and , I'm sorry, Mum, but it turns out that honesty is not the best policy. I have, therefore, opted for Churchill, instead.

Right. I must dash. I need to begin the search for a new arch nemesis. The old one is being far too nice. Oh, don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him, as he's bound to be up to some evil scheme, but the waiting is do very very dull. So if you know anyone who may be suitable, do let me know. Oh, if they could look good in a cape, that would be great.

thanks :)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

21 Hours from Little Shearwater to Savi's

It appears I haven't posted a blog for some time. There's no excuse Well, there is an excuse, but it's feeble: I've been busy! Work, study, study, work. I think I slept at some point, too.

But this weekend has been super awesome. Today was my last day of a long weekend on Lundy. I was on the cliffs at 2am, listening to the Manx Shearwaters and their mournful cries... oh and a Little Shearwater, too, which was nice.
The rest of the day was comparatively uneventful, although holding the swallow and wheatear after they'd been ringed was kinda great.

But it was time to go home. It was a long day and the travel rounded that off nicely. Wiped? Oh yes. So imagine my delight that there's a savi's at Slapton - it'll only put a couple of hours on the journey and we probably won't see it because it'll be too dark.

But by the skin of our teeth... there it was, spotted nicely hanging around in the reeds, head thrown back, chattering to its heart's delight. But it was more sensible than us and bedtime prevailed, so I felt it prudent to do the same, before I collapsed.

But yeah, fun.

Sorry about that - must be funnier!