Saturday, 2 February 2019

Facing the future

2019 is my year. No doubt.

I have my dream job (it's part time, but there's only so much happiness that the human brain can take) and I also get to spend time working towards my licenses, while handling sleepy little fluff-balls and chasing zooming lizards.

It's a dormouse! HOW cute? So fluffy and docile ♡

I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea, but believe me, I am in such a good place that I squee several times a day.

I've taken my good time getting here, though. I mean, I've reached that age where I wonder, on a daily basis, whether I have cataracts or if my glasses are dirty, again.

It also transpires that one never outgrows that emotional need for stationery.

Is there anyone else who finds it impossible to walk past the notepads and diaries?