Friday, 26 June 2015

That requisite paper cut report

2015, so far:

Papercuts: 0

Plasters to hand: 0


Monday, 18 May 2015

A plan of action...

And then very suddenly I became a job seeker once more.  I’ve taken a few weeks to take a good hard look at my life and realised that I have no plans; no direction…. Yet I know exactly what I’ll do in the case of a zombie attack.

Sometimes I envy those people who knew what they wanted to do and followed a direct career path, but I’ve had a lot of fun along the way.  Mostly, I’ve had a brilliant time with some amazing people and now I'm doing what I really want to do by volunteering with a couple of conservation organisations.
Muddy boots and spending time with people who care about nature. Yays!!

Right, I'd better get back to stockpiling flamethrowers and crossbows for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. 

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Typing so other people think I'm working...

I think I'm wasting too much time on the unimportant stuff.  For example, last week, I even used the remove hardware safely option for my usb stick.  Anything to avoid a few more seconds of study.

Well, I've worn myself out with silly twitches and I can't help but wonder whether I'm more suited to the quiet life.  I could go back to the getting a cat plan, but considering the rate at which I kill houseplants, it's probably not a good  idea.

Frankly, I'm probably better off spending time finding a job.  It's getting harder to stand out in the crowd of job seekers.  So I've changed my CV into Wingdings. This will definitely give me the edge in today's difficult job market.

OK, OK, I'll go get my assignment finished.  Don't worry, it's nearly over.  Then I'll have to evade something other than study to  write my blog updates. Don't worry, I won't desert you, there's plenty of housework I don't want to  do.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Hopes, dreams and slippers

I guess I didn't have much to say in 2014. Thing is, I'm actually a really private person, as you'll know if you watch my vlog on Youtube or subscribe to my blog.

So, last year, I switched jobs a couple of times, documented my (rather low) birding life list and re-evaluated what I want from life. I will spend this year chasing that dream. 

This year, I therefore intend to spend more time with people who don't mind my being weird.  As queen of the non sequitur, I struggle to find people who can follow my train of thought, so when you find someone who 'gets' you, clone them and keep one for weekends.

Hopes for the year ahead:

  • Pay more attention so that I waste less time restarting the song because I missed my favourite bit.
  • Eat less crisps (and more jaffa cakes)
  • Get my phone to stop correcting "omg" to "OMG"... I'm really not that shocked, htc.

For the rest of the year, I intend to follow the important message we all learned from Blazing Saddles:

Throw out your hands, stick out your tush, hands on your hips, give 'em a push...

Toodles for now.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Papercut update

2013 paper cut count: 0

2014 paper cut count: 1
