Friday, 30 August 2013

The papercut survival guide for young(ish) women

It's been a long summer with study taking up most of my spare time, but I have also found time to stare at walls trying to think of funny things to tweet. 

In fact, it's amazing how much time I need to spend working on my online persona when there's an assignment to be written (or housework to be done, for that matter).

Possibly the scariest thing about 'studying' is the number of times I've listened to Avril Lavigne's 'Girlfriend' over the last month.  But there's also the discovery that I still have Aqua's 'Barbie Girl' on my mp3 player (sorry, apple, I'm always going to be a Sony whore]. 

2013 so far:
Barbie girl plays: (86)
Times my dirty mind has got me into trouble: (0)
Times my dirty mouth has got me in to trouble: (7)
Funny cat videos watched on YouTube: (4) 
Evenings spent reading old tweets and congratulating self on sparkling wit: (97)

Papercuts: (0) 

It has been a good year, so far.


OK, here's your challenge.  If you complete it, let me know and give me a challenge in return.

This weekend, share the joy.   Run up to strangers on the street, tap them on the shoulder and yell "You're It!" before running away.