Sunday, 10 March 2013

You're up late...

Did you mean to be on my page or were you googling Dinosaur Dancing again?

Of course you could have been using bing as a search engine.  But somehow I doubt it.

So anyway, I promised another fact about me and have failed to deliver upon that point.  I'm pretty sure you've not got this far without knowing of my love of socks.  If you have, then you may not be prepared for the fullness of me that follows I suggest a stiff drink before you read any more of my posts...

Well, I live in Devon, in a little seaside town and share my garden with a rabbit, called Compost.

Things I have learned since having a pet rabbit.
  • Rabbits are not affectionate.
Actually, that's about it.  But he's a rubbish pet.  Seriously - I have TRIED to train him, but much less than allowing me to pick him up, he refuses to:
  • fetch a stick
  • roll over
  • chase a ball
  • go and get its leash and wait to be taken for a walk.
 If you want something kinda cute that moves around like it's slightly damaged, then a rabbit is great.  If you actually want something that's pleased to see you, is expressive and thinks you're the best thing in the world EVER you may be better off with a dog