Sunday, 27 November 2011

A Weekend Not Wasted

I'm so proud of myself. I finished a jigsaw in 3 days and the box says 5 - 8 years. Yay me! I can go to bed, happy, now. 

Well, this weekend was supposed to be spent studying.  It has not exactly gone to plan.  But I have spent it in the company of intelligent, funny people.  That's far preferable to the plan.
However, I have finally been getting professional supervision for my degree placement.  It's rather enlightening but a bit scary to realise how I approach situations and the judgements I make.

I am now living by that old idiom:

Never judge a book by its cover... 
Use the text on the back; it tells you what the book is about.

Music-y Goodness

This weekend, I have mostly been listening to:


Monday, 14 November 2011

It's all about me....

Well, you've either been following my blog for some time or you've got here by accident after googling Pink Fluffy Cat Film.  Actually, if the latter is true, you should move on, there's nothing for you here.

So you'll be wanting to know more about me....

Sadly, despite the promises in my last post, I have not invented anything exciting... but I have made a few awesome sandwiches in my time... I'll make you one next time you visit.

So... a fact about me....

I like yoghurt coated peanuts and stripes.  These are mutually exclusive likes.  But if you ever find any striped youghurt coated peanuts, I'll give them a go.

Well, one fact is probably enough for today.  I'll share another one soon.  It won't be long before you know all there is to know.  Except that thing about the bicycle pump and the superglue.