Thursday, 23 June 2011

Work is seriously getting in the way of my weekends...

The inspiration for blogs has not been very forthcoming of late. Work is hard but my colleagues are super awesome. For this I am thankful, they make the work fun after the sleepless nights and, for the most part, they know what they’re talking about…

See, I may suffer fools gladly; but not the attention seeking simpletons. They can fuck off.

As we have previously established, it’s not a great idea to bank on honesty being the best policy for the most part. The thing about telling your boss how you honestly feel about them is that the truth will set you free.

I therefore have a new policy. If at first you try and don't succeed; cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.

My thought for the day…

You cannot solve all your problems with chocolate. For this one, we’re going to need duct tape.