Saturday, 27 December 2008

Christmas Foot Golf

So, er, Merry Christmas everyone.

My DVD shelves, already fit to bursting, now have a few more additions to be wedged into spaces which don’t exist.

Yes, I could get rid of some old stuff, but then how would I measure the improvements in taste which have occurred over the last decade? Although it’s possible that the graph would be skewed slightly by the gifts received by the people who really know me!

Christmas day… I’m never that cheery on the morning itself, I’m at my best the night before, when everything is wrapped and ready to go, after I’ve slept, well, it just doesn’t seem as exciting…. until it’s stocking time!

So presents were opened and I ate enough chocolates to make me feel suitably sick.

Best. Present. Ever…

The Ecotronic battery-free torch

Favourite gift given: A Hannah Montana mug for the wonderful Simon!

Oh,oh…. Simon has agreed to join in the Once More With Feeling evening that a few of us are having in Bristol in a few weeks and coming on to Jimbo’s birthday bash the following night in Cardiff! Please spare a moment to think of him.

I shall also be taking Mamma Mia for the evening’s sing along session!

Anyway, I digress…

Christmas afternoon, having done the present thing and been overjoyed at my new duvet, it was time to hit the beach. So off we went to the beach where time spent sat on the sand dunes,talking, laughing and staring out to sea was followed by a game of foot golf on the golf course. It’s quite simple, really – golfers leave LOADS of golf balls lying around, whereas no one I know owns any golf clubs, so you kick the golf balls in the general direction of the holes. I discovered I can kick a golf ball quite successfully.

So yeah, a fun day!

Why does it take so long to cook Christmas dinner? I decided to leave it and watch The Next Doctor instead :D

Best part of Christmas? Not going back to work until the 5th! Huzzah!

I hope yours has been awesome, so far, as well.

Oh… Have a great New Year!